Friday, January 18, 2008

Collecting Supplies for the Animals

We have secured a local drop-off place for donations of supplies:
LOTS OF PETS 6540 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga
(in mini-mall corner of Tujunga Cyn Blvd. south side of street next to McDonald's)
Please take donated items to the back of the store to the blue wall next to the restrooms.
We will have large plastic tubs designated for donations.

Donations will be accepted during store hours Sat & Sun. 8pm - 9pm

A volunteer will be driving a truck up Monday, so please get supplies to this location by then! THANKS!

p.s. an urgent plea has come our way for DOGLOOS with the long entrance (see photo) - we need 30 total - any size! They are the only shape of temporary shelter for the dogs that will not blow away in the 75mph winds of the high desert.

Also, need plastic vari-kennel type crates of ANY SIZE for transporting animals in vehicles.

Call: 323-719-5052 if you have any to donate!

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