Tuesday, January 29, 2008

L.A. Considers Pet Sterilization Ordinance

Most dogs and cats in the city of Los Angeles would have to be spayed or neutered by four months of age under a proposal approved today by a City Council committee.

The proposed ordinance is intended to reduce the number of animals in the city's shelters and decrease the rate of euthanasia, which costs the city about $2 million a year.

"This ordinance gives us the tool to end the insanity and do something significantly different," said Ed Boks, general manager of the Department of Animal Services."

This law would help to end the cycle of frustration we all face and feel everyday and allow us to eventually reallocate precious resources for increasing adoption, educating the public on humane issues and fighting animal cruelty."

The proposed law, which was approved by the Public Safety Committee and will be before the council on Friday, would require pet owners to spay or neuter their dogs and cats by four months of age.

Last year, 8,960 cats and 6,049 dogs were euthanized in the city's animal shelters, according to the Department of Animal Services. It costs the city $140 to euthanize a cat and $195 to put down a dog, compared to the $75 it costs to spay or neuter an animal.

Boks estimated that it will cost $380,000 to $400,000 to implement the ordinance.

Owners who do not comply with the law will receive information on subsidized sterilization services. If their pets are not fixed within 60 days, owners could face a $100 fine or eight hours of community service. A third offense could result in a $500 fine or 40 hours of community service.

The proposal includes exemptions for animals who show and have competed in at least one legitimate show or sporting competition; dogs that are in the process of earning an agility, carting, herding, protection, rally, hunting, working or other title; guide, signal or service dogs; dogs that are actively used by law enforcement agencies; and animals with valid breeding permits."

I think it's safe to say that nothing is perfect, but if passed, this would be the largest spay and neuter ordinance in the country and it would save thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of lives that are taken unnecessarily," said City Councilman Richard Alarcon, who proposed the ordinance and worked with city staff to draft the new law.

Two years ago the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors implemented a similar ordinance requiring most dogs in unincorporated areas to be neutered by four months of age.

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